
  • #calendars: 与#dates类似,但用于java.util.Calendar对象。

 * ======================================================================
 * See javadoc API for class org.thymeleaf.expression.Calendars
 * ======================================================================

 * Format calendar with the standard locale format
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Format calendar with the ISO8601 format
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets

 * Format calendar with the specified pattern
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#calendars.format(cal, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}
${#calendars.arrayFormat(calArray, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}
${#calendars.listFormat(calList, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}
${#calendars.setFormat(calSet, 'dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm')}

 * Obtain calendar properties
 * Also works with arrays, lists or sets
${#calendars.day(date)}                // also arrayDay(...), listDay(...), etc.
${#calendars.month(date)}              // also arrayMonth(...), listMonth(...), etc.
${#calendars.monthName(date)}          // also arrayMonthName(...), listMonthName(...), etc.
${#calendars.monthNameShort(date)}     // also arrayMonthNameShort(...), listMonthNameShort(...), etc.
${#calendars.year(date)}               // also arrayYear(...), listYear(...), etc.
${#calendars.dayOfWeek(date)}          // also arrayDayOfWeek(...), listDayOfWeek(...), etc.
${#calendars.dayOfWeekName(date)}      // also arrayDayOfWeekName(...), listDayOfWeekName(...), etc.
${#calendars.dayOfWeekNameShort(date)} // also arrayDayOfWeekNameShort(...), listDayOfWeekNameShort(...), etc.
${#calendars.hour(date)}               // also arrayHour(...), listHour(...), etc.
${#calendars.minute(date)}             // also arrayMinute(...), listMinute(...), etc.
${#calendars.second(date)}             // also arraySecond(...), listSecond(...), etc.
${#calendars.millisecond(date)}        // also arrayMillisecond(...), listMillisecond(...), etc.

 * Create calendar (java.util.Calendar) objects from its components


 * Create a calendar (java.util.Calendar) object for the current date and time


 * Create a calendar (java.util.Calendar) object for the current date (time set to 00:00)


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